Are you a Negative Nellie?

Are you a Negative Nellie?

We are always going on about how we are openly optimistic that our experiences of change can be positive, that it doesn’t have to be shit (it’s literally the title of the Everyday Change Playbook).And that’s because we believe in the power of optimism. But what does...
What Happens if it all goes wrong?

What Happens if it all goes wrong?

There’s lots of theory that failure is a great learning device, should be welcomed, encouraged and supported. And I absolutely agree. There also lots of talk about 70% of changes failing with little or no evidence and with that we do not agree, if it wasn’t frowned...
Who is writing your story?

Who is writing your story?

Today is all about the stories that fill up our organisations. The one’s that tell you what you are up against, how impossible the task in hand is, what happened in 1995 and the time when Sandra in Accounts cried.So, what do we know? Our organisations, hell...
Learning Through Change

Learning Through Change

January is always a great place to learn new stuff, or at least threaten to. Or the first of the month, or a Monday or any day really… but before and during change is also smashing and probably more useful. So, what do we know? Learning during change...
Choose Transition.

Choose Transition.

Why Bridges transition model could change the way we change. Back in the 90’s William Bridges developed a model that articulated the psychological response that we go through as humans when we experience change; namely in a work place or organisation (but...
Time to change.

Time to change.

Everyday Change is rooted in the belief that change should be positive in both experience and outcome. But don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen enough change to know that’s not exactly how most of us experience it. Change is messy. We are asking you to...